How you do things on Judici sometimes depends on the business type in your Judici account (Attorney, Admin & Clerical, Judicial), because not all of these users have an attorney registration number.
Any account, including Admin & Clerical
Any account, including Admin & Clerical
Accessing attorney/judge hearing calendars &Â integrating them with your own calendaring tool [ADMSCHDSRCH]
Search for litigants/cases across all Judici courts [MLTCTSRCH]
Access to a list of cases for an attorney [ATTYCASESRCH]
Subscribe to a case for e-mail updates
Attorney accounts
Attorney accounts
Case file access to your cases and many other case types as allowed under state standards [ATTYDOCS]
Attorney accounts have direct access to other key features, from Judici's menus:
Your hearing schedule- just click My: Schedule
Your open cases- just click My:Cases