Access for Third Party User Groups
Administrator Setup
All users must be registered in two places.
Free Subscriber List- add a group member’s email address to the free subscriber list.
Click on the Account menu.
Find the freesubscriber_admin service and click the hyperlink.
Add the user by typing in their email address and clicking the Add Email to List button.
If the user has not created their account yet, you will see “NO MATCH FOUND” by their name.
User Group- add group members to the user group.
Click on the Account menu.
Find the User Group Administrator service and click the hyperlink.
Add the user by typing in their email address and clicking the Add Email to List button.
New User Setup
New users must create an account on and get a Courtlook subscription per Courtlook sign-up instructions.
OSPS staff already having Judici Multicourt subscription will automatically have those converted to Courtlook subscriptions.
The User Group Administrator is responsible for removing any user from both lists upon the user leaving the third party user group. Both the freesubscriber_admin service and the User Group Management service have a Remove button next to each individual user’s name.
Users will use the Multi-Court service to run their queries.
Once logged in, click the Subscribers menu.
Under the Services tab, select the Multicourt hyperlink.
Judici Staff: See details on setting up the web service (GAL Internal).